The main thrust of our mission is to join global collaborative scientific efforts to produce peer-reviewed publications.
The plight of parrots is dire and only united work to provide facts, factual material, and solid data will result in meaningful policy-making. The PRG is dedicated to collaborative work.
Collaborative works to date
Kalra, S., Davies, A., Martin, R.O. & Poonia, A. (2023) Insights from the media into the bird trade in India: an analysis of reported seizures. Oryx, 58, 69-77.
Poonia, A., Ghanghas, A., Sharma, R., Jangra, M. & Sindhu, V. (2022) Trends in CITES Listed Bird's Trade in South Asian Countries in View of Evolution of Indian Laws during Last Four Decades. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 43, 96-115.
Dueker, S., Willows-Munro, S., Perrin, M.R., Abebe, Y.D., Annorbah, N.N.D., Mwangi, E.W., Madindou, I.R., Tekalign, W., Mori, E., Mzumara, T.I., Brown, C., Bryson, U., Ndithia, H., Dodman, T., van der Zwan, H., van der Sluis, R., Phiri, C.R., Karimanzira, A. & Martin, R.O. (2023) Conservation status and threats to lovebirds: knowledge gaps and research priorities. Ostrich, 94, 1-27.
Theuerkauf J, Villavicencio CP, Adreani NM, Attisano A, Craig A, D’Amelio PB, Gula R, Lee ATK, Mentesana L, Quillfeldt P, Quirici V, Quispe R, Vásquez RA, Wingfield JC & JF Masello (2023) Ecology and evolution need a more southern perspective. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37: 759-767.
Robinson OJ, Socolar JB, Stuber EF, Auer T, Berryman AJ, Boersch-Supan PH, Brightsmith DJ, Burbridge AH, Butchart SHM, Davis CL, Di Giacomo AS, Farnsworth A, Fink D, Hochachka WM, Howell PE, La Sorte FA, Lees AC, Marsden S, Martin R, Martin RO, Masello JF, Miller ET, Moodley Y, Musgrove A, Noble D, Ojeda V, Quillfeldt P, Royle JA, Ruiz-Gutierrez V, Tella JL, Yorio P, Youngflesh C & A Johnston (2022): Extreme uncertainty and unquantifiable bias do not inform population sizes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119: e2113862119. Open access:
Masello JF, Martínez J, Calderón L, Wink M, Quillfeldt P, Sanz V, Theuerkauf J, Ortiz-Catedral L, Berkunsky I, Brunton D, Díaz Luque JA, Hauber ME, Ojeda V, Barnaud A, Casalins L, Jackson B, Mijares A, Rosales R, Seixas G, Serafini P, Silva-Iturriza A, Sipinski E, Vásquez R, Widmann P, Widmann I & S Merino (2018): Can the intake of anti-parasitic secondary metabolites explain the low prevalence of hemoparasites among wild Psittaciformes? Parasites & Vectors 11: 357.1-357.15 Open access:
Olah, G., Theuerkauf, J., Legault, A., Gula, R., Stein, J., Butchart, S., O’Brien, M. & Heinsohn, R. (2018) Parrots of Oceania – a comparative study of extinction risk. Emu - Austral Ornithology, 118, 94-112.
Martin, R.O. (2018) The wild bird trade and African parrots: past, present and future challenges. Ostrich, 89, 139-143.
Berkunsky, I., Quillfeldt, P., Brightsmith, D.J., Abbud, M.C., Aguilar, J.M.R.E., Alemán-Zelaya, U., Aramburú, R.M., Arce Arias, A., Balas McNab, R., Balsby, T.J.S., Barredo Barberena, J.M., Beissinger, S.R., Rosales, M., Berg, K.S., Bianchi, C.A., Blanco, E., Bodrati, A., Bonilla-Ruz, C., Botero-Delgadillo, E., Canavelli, S.B., Caparroz, R., Cepeda, R.E., Chassot, O., Cinta-Magallón, C., Cockle, K.L., Daniele, G., de Araujo, C.B., de Barbosa, A.E., de Moura, L.N., Del Castillo, H., Díaz, S., Díaz-Luque, J.A., Douglas, L., Figueroa Rodríguez, A., García-Anleu, R.A., Gilardi, J.D., Grilli, P.G., Guix, J.C., Hernández, M., Hernández-Muñoz, A., Hiraldo, F., Horstman, E., Ibarra Portillo, R., Isacch, J.P., Jiménez, J.E., Joyner, L., Juarez, M., Kacoliris, F.P., Kanaan, V.T., Klemann-Júnior, L., Latta, S.C., Lee, A.T.K., Lesterhuis, A., Lezama-López, M., Lugarini, C., Marateo, G., Marinelli, C.B., Martínez, J., McReynolds, M.S., Mejia Urbina, C.R., Monge-Arias, G., Monterrubio-Rico, T.C., Nunes, A.P., Nunes, F., Olaciregui, C., Ortega-Arguelles, J., Pacifico, E., Pagano, L., Politi, N., Ponce-Santizo, G., Portillo Reyes, H.O., Prestes, N.P., Presti, F., Renton, K., Reyes-Macedo, G., Ringler, E., Rivera, L., Rodríguez-Ferraro, A., Rojas-Valverde, A.M., Rojas-Llanos, R.E., Rubio-Rocha, Y.G., Saidenberg, A.B.S., Salinas-Melgoza, A., Sanz, V., Schaefer, H.M., Scherer-Neto, P., Seixas, G.H.F., Serafini, P., Silveira, L.F., Sipinski, E.A.B., Somenzari, M., Susanibar, D., Tella, J.L., Torres-Sovero, C., Trofino-Falasco, C., Vargas-Rodríguez, R., Vázquez-Reyes, L.D., White Jr, T.H., Williams, S., Zarza, R. & Masello, J.F. (2017) Current threats faced by Neotropical parrot populations. Biological Conservation, 214, 278-287.
Martin, R.O., Perrin, M.R., Boyes, R.S., Abebe, Y.D., Nathaniel, D., Asamoah, A., Bizimana, D., Bobo, K.S., Bunbury, N., Brouwer, J., Diop, M.S., Ewnetu, M., Fotso, R.C., Garteh, J., Holbech, L.H., Madindou, I.R., Maisels, F., Mokoko, J., Reuleaux, A., Symes, C., Tamungang, S., Taylor, S., Valle, S., Waltert, M. & Wondafrash, M. (2014) Research and conservation of the larger parrots of Africa and Madagascar: a review of knowledge gaps and opportunities. Ostrich, 85, 205-233.